Public notices for Vernon, CT
See the latest public notices at CTPublicNotices.org PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearing at a Special meeting at 7:00 PM on Thursday, October 13, 2011, in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the Third Floor at 14 Park Place, Rockville/Vernon: Proposed 2011 Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) and the Draft Implementation Element of the POCD prepared by the Vernon PZC. The Proposed Plan of Conservation and Development, July 2011, and the Draft Implementation Element are available for inspection by the public in the offices of the Planning Department and Town Clerk, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT and at the Rockville Public Library, 52 Union Street, Rockville, CT. They are also available on the Town of Vernon website at: Chester Morgan, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearing at its regular meeting at 7:00 PM on Thursday, September 1, 2011, in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the Third Floor at 14 Park Place, Rockville/Vernon: Application [PZ-2011-08] of Joseph Grace for a Special Permit at Kace Auto at 784 Talcottville Road (Assessor's ID: Map #07, Block #0027, Lot/Parcel 00001) Application [PZ-2011-09] of Richard Hayes Jr. for a Zone Change from Residential-22 (R-22) to Commercial at #60 Resevoir Road (Assessor's ID: Map #6, Block#001, Lot/Parcel #00002) This PZC application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Chester Morgan, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearing at its regular meeting at 7:00 PM on Thursday, July 7, 2011, in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the Third Floor at 14 Park Place, Rockville/Vernon: Application [PZ-2011-06] of Ticket Network Inc. for a Site Plan of Development to install a driveway and small parking lot at #60 South Frontage Road (Assessor's ID: Map #29, Block #134, Lot/Parcel #1) This PZC application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Chester Morgan, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearings at the regular meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, September 16, 2010, in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the Third Floor at 14 Park Place, Rockville/Vernon: Application (PZ-2010-17) of Marina Rodriguez, Vernon CED Coordinator, for an Amendment to the Zoning Regulations, Section 4.25.2, PZC I-84 Exit 67 Area. This PZC application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department and the Town Clerk's Offices, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Lester Finkel, Chairperson Journal Inquirer Public Notice The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearing at its regular meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, September 4, 2008, in the auditorium located on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Race, Rockville / Vernon : Application [PZ-2008-14] of Boston Manchester, LLC for a Site Plan of Development/Special Permit for a Day Care Facility at #380 Talcottville Road (Assessor's ID: Map #9, Block #15H, Lot/Parcel #26A). Application [PZ-2008-16) of Oliver Pellen & David McClure for a Zone Change from Residential 27 (R-27) to Commercial (C) at #743 Hartford Turnpike (Assessor's ID: Map #27, Block #17A, Lot/Parcel #3). Application [PZ-2008-17) of Lee & Lamont Realty for an Amendment to the Vernon Zoning Regulations to create the Comprehensive Multi-Family Dwelling Zone. This PZC application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department and the Town Clerk's Office, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Lester Finkle, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE The Town of Vernon Zoning Board of Appeals has acted on the following appeals at the August 20, 2008 Public hearing 1. GRANTED - GLENN AND GINA CAMPELLONE, 54 EDITH ROAD, a variance from section 3.12, storage of Trailers and Boats requirement, to allow a camper trailer to be stored in front of the house in the R-22 Zoning District. 2. GRANTED - JAMES AND PATRICIA MICHAUD, 25 INLAND DRIVE, a variance from section 3.12, storage of Trailers and Boats requirement, to allow storage of a Trailer and RV in the front yard with the trailer and an automobile on gravel in the R-27 Zoning District. 3. GRANTED - BRYAN W. BURNS AND ELAINE SELLENBERG, 38 MAPLE AVENUE, a special exception from section the keeping of livestock, to construct a 20' x 26' horse bam, 3 rail wood fence and house horses on the subject property in the R-27 Zoning District. 4. DENIED - CVS PHARMACY, 22 WINDSOR AVENUE, a variance from the section 16.1.1, signs, to allow installation of Electronic Messaging Unit sign in the Commercial Zoning District. 5. DENIED - DANIEL AND MARION HENDRICKSEN, 15 ALPERT DRIVE, a variance from section, minimum side yard requirement, to allow construction of a 16' x 22' addition and 10' x 12' screened porch, 4 feet from the side property line in the R-22 Zoning District. 6. GRANTED - TRACEY ARCELLI, 5 CENTER STREET, a variance from sections minimum side yard requirement, and minimum rear yard requirement, to allow placement of an 8' x 16' shed in the R-10 Zoning District. 7. GRANTED - LILLIAN NAGY, 37 SOUTH STREET, a variance from section minimum side yard requirement to allow reconstruction of single family home in the R-15 Residential District. TOWN OF VERNON Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE Meeting date June 18, 2008 Notice is hereby given that the Town of Vernon Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room, Vernon Police Department, 725 Hartford Turnpike, Vernon, Connecticut, to hear the following applications: 1. CAPSTONE BUILDERS INC, CUBLES DRIVE, TOLLAND STREET, seeking an appeal from the decision of the Zoning Enforcement Officer, Ordinance #278, section 4.10.20, dated February 8, 2008, received February 13, 2008 denying appeal of $6000 review fee paid in connection with subdivision application, "Laurel Woods" submitted on April 24, 2007 in the R-40 Zoning District. POSTPONED FROM MAY 21, 2008. 2. JOHN W. THOMPSON, 189 UNION STREET seeking Suitability of Location pursuant to CGS 14-54 & 14-55, and Special Exception from section to allow a Used Car Dealership in the Commercial Zoning District. POSTPONED FROM MAY 21, 2008. 3. SCOTT LUGINBUHL, LOT #2, 616 DART HILL ROAD, seeking a variance from section, minimum side yard requirement, to allow construction of a new home in the Planned Development Zone, Gerber Farm Area Zoning District. POSTPONED FROM MAY 21, 2008. 4. KARL A. SCHOEN - RENE, 151 IRENE DRIVE, seeking a variance from section, minimum side yard re quirement, to allow construction of a garage and storage room addition in the R-27 Zoning District. POSTPONED FROM MAY 21, 2008. 5. ROY STRATTON, 21 HEIDI DRIVE, seeking variances from section 12.3.2, parking location requirements and sec tion 3.12, storage of camper to allow such camper to be stored within 10' feet of the side property line and in front of the house in the R-22 Zoning District. 6. DAVID SPENCER, 9 LLYNWOOD DRIVE, seeking a variance from section side yard requirement, to allow construction of a 12'x 22' one car garage in the R-27 Zoning District. 7. MERRILL CARR, 202 UNION STREET, seeking a vari ance from sections 2.132, accessory uses and 3.14 storage of waste and refuge, to allow installation of a dumpster within 10' of the side property line in the Commercial Zoning District. 8. CVS PHARMACY, 22 WINDSOR AVENUE, seeking a variance from the section 16.1.1, signs, to allow installation of Electronic Messaging Unit sign in the Commercial Zoning District. Correspondence relative to the above appeals may be submitted and will be read into the record of the Public Hearing. All interested persons may appear and be heard. TOWN OF VERNON June 7, 2008 June 14, 2008 PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearing at its regular meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, September 6, 2007, in the auditorium located on the second floor of the Senior Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon. Application (PZ-2007-18) of Diamond 67, LLC for a Site Plan of Development, Special Permits in the Aquifer Area and Special Permits in the Commercial Zone to construct an approximately 117,000 square foot Home Depot with a 28,713 garden center and related site improvements located at #117 Reservior Road (Assessor ID: Map #47, Block #130, Lot/Parcel #1B) Copies of these applications are available for public inspection in the office of the Town Planner. Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Vernon, Ct. 06066. Lester Finkle, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE The Town of Vernon Zoning Board of Appeals has acted on the following appeals at the August 15, 2007 Public Hearing: 1. GRANTED, the appeal of ELLA TESTA, 24 TANKERHOOSEN ROAD, Vernon, CT, seeking a variance from front and rear yard requirements to allow construction of a 10 foot x 22 foot garage (Sections and Hardship: Lot size/configuration 2. TABLED, the appeal of ADAM GRYSZKIEWICZ, 205 TALCOTTVILLE ROAD, Vernon, CT seeking a variance to increase lot coverage from 65% to 75% by extending parking area to rear of the property (Section 4.9) located in the Commercial zone. 3. GRANTED, the appeal of HANDIWORKS LLC, 10 CAROL DRIVE, Vernon, CT, seeking a variance from front yard setback requirement to allow the construction of 6 feet by 12 foot center porch (Section located in the R10 zone. Hardship: Lot configuration/predates zoning. 4. GRANTED, the appeal of ANN ETRE, 29 DAVIS AVENUE, Vernon, CT seeking a variance from the 10' required side yard to allow a driveway with parking (Section 12.3.2) located in the R10 zone. Hardship: No existing driveway 5. WITHDRAWN, the appeal of RASHID HAMID FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERS, 309 TALCOTTVILE ROAD, Vernon, CT seeking a variance to place a sign on 309 Talcottville Road to announce the offices and businesses on Naek Road (Section 16.1.13) located in the Commercial zone. Hardship: Lot configuration 6. GRANTED, the appeal of LEE & LAMONT REALTY, 55 RESERVOIR ROAD, Vernon, CT seeking a variance to allow a reduction of the side/rear yard adjoining Interstate I-84/State of Connecticut property to 50 feet for multi-family and multi single-family housing (Sections, and located in the Commercial zone. TOWN OF VERNON Appeared in: Journal Inquirer on Thursday, 08/23/2007 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at its regular scheduled meeting held on July 19, 2007, the Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission took the following action: To deny Application (PZ-2003-04) of Diamond 67, LLC for a Site Plan of Development, Special Permits in the Aquifer Area and Special Permits in the Commercial Zone to construct an approximately 117,000 square foot Home Depot with a 28,713 garden center and related site improvements located at #117 Reservior Road (Assessor ID: Map #47, Block #130, Lot/Parcel #1B) Copies of these applications are available for public inspection in the office of the Town Planner. Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Vernon, Ct. 06066. Lester Finkle, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at its regular meeting held on July 5, 2007, the Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission took the following actions: To modify and approve Application [PZ-2007-16] of the Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission for proposed revisions to Sections 4.24 Planned Devel opment Zone (PDZ) Gerber Farm Area and Section 4.25 PDZ Exit 67 Area regulations: 1) to clarify minimum acreage and developable area needed to be rezoned to PDZ; 2) to allow lot coverage greater than 50%, provided no increase in off-site storm water runoff, no negative impacts to the Tankerhoosen and Hockanum River watersheds, and that the use of Low Impact Development (LID) techniques is considered and employed; 3) to set maximum parking space numbers, and allow for more if on porous surfaces; 4) allow reduction in yard requirements provided the reduction allows for three or more community amenities (listed); 5) require any development within the PDZ to provide for pedestrian and bicycle access including bike racks, or bike parking, transit stations where feasible, and/or connections to transit stops; 6) require level of service C or better be maintained on town roads impacted by proposed development; 7) require any proposals containing aquifer protection areas to retain and recharge on site all storm water and run-off from events up to the 25-year storm level. The detailed decisions for the above applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Lester Finkle, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearings at its regular meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, June 7, 2007, in the auditorium located on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon: Application [PZ-2007-12] of Lee & Lamont Realty for a Zone Regulation Amendment, to add a new Section to the Planned Development Zone (PDZ) at I-84, Exit #67 area. Application [PZ-2007-14] of Joe D. Corriea for a 9 Lot Single Family Residential Cluster Subdivision and a Special Permit in an Aquifer Protection Area ( at a property located between 95 and 87 Trout Stream Drive (Assessor ID: Map #20, Block #18, Lot/ Parcel #4V & 4-AAA) Application [PZ-2007-16] of the Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission for proposed revisions to Sections 4.24 Planned Development Zone (PDZ) Gerber Farm Area and Section 4.25 PDZ Exit 67 Area regulations: 1) to clarify minimum acreage and developable area needed to be re-zoned to PDZ; 2) to allow lot coverage greater than 50%, provided no increase in off-site storm water runoff, no negative impacts to the Tankerhoosen and Hockanum River watersheds, and that the use of Low Impact Development (LID) techniques is considered and employed; 3) to set maximum parking space numbers, and allow for more if on porous surfaces; 4) allow reduction in yard requirements provided the reduction allows for three or more community amenities (listed); 5) require any development within the PDZ to provide for pedestrian and bicycle access including bike racks, or bike parking, transit stations where feasible, and/or connections to transit stops; 6) require level of service C or better be maintained on town roads impacted by proposed development; 7) require any proposals containing aquifer protection areas to retain and recharge on site all stormwater and run-off from events up to the 25-year storm level. These PZC application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Lester Finkle, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at its regular meeting held on April 19,2007, the Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission took the following actions: To Approve an Application [PZ-2006-31] of the Town of Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission to amend Use Variances throughout Section 4 and Section 20 of the Town of Vernon Zoning Regulations To Approve an Application [PZ-2007-05] of Town of Vernon Community and Economic Development Coordinator Marina Rodriguez for amendments to Section 24 of the Zoning Regulations (Planned Development Zone - Gerber Farm Area) To Approve Application [PZ-2007-06] of Town of Vernon Community and Economic Development Coordinator Marina Rodriguez for amendments to Section 25 of the Zoning Regulations (Planned Development Zone - Exit 67 Area) The detailed decisions for the above applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Lester Finkle, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at its regular meeting held on December 7, 2006, the Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission took the following actions: To modify and approve with stipulation an application [PZ-2006-21] of Victor Basile for a Site Plan of Development, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ran Certification, Special Permit for Use in a District (non-full service restaurant), Special Permit in an aquifer protection area, and a Special Permit for a drive-up service window, all in connection with the construction of two commercial structures (5,500 s.f. total of commercial space), related parking, and driveway access, located on 4.6 acres at 501 Talcottville Road in a Commercial zoning district (Assessor's ID Map # 09, Block # 0007, Lot /Parcel # 0001D) To deny an application [PZ-2006-26] of Galaxy Development, LLC for a change of zone from R-27 (Residential 27) to Commercial for 8.8 +/- acre parcel at #168 Mile Hill Road (Assessor ID: Map #47, Block #127, Lot/Parcel #1 and 1A) (Continued from November 2, 2006) The detailed decision for the above application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Gregory LaChance, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearings at its regular meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, November 16, 2006, in the auditorium located on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon: Application [ PZ-2006-30 ] of Malcolm A. Arnold III LLC for a Modification of Site Plan and Special Permit at 378 Kelley Road (Assessor ID: Map # 2, Block # 9, Lot/ Parcel # 113) Application [ PZ-2006-29 ] of the Vernon Conservation Commission to amend the Town of Vernon Subdivision Regulations Section 6.1.3 Open Spaces and Section 14 Regulations for Contributions to Open Space Purchasing Fund These PZC applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Gregory LaChance, Chairperson Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) Appeared in: Journal Inquirer on Saturday, 11/04/2006 PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearings at its regular meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, October 5, 2006, in the auditorium located on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon: Application [PZ-2006-26] of Galaxy Development, LLC for a change of zone from R-27 (Residential 27) to Commercial for 8.8 +/- acre parcel at #168 Mile Hill Road (Assessor ID: Map #47, Block #127, Lot/Parcel #1 and 1A) This PZC application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Gregory LaChance, Chairperson Appeared in: Journal Inquirer on Friday, 09/22/2006 PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold the following public hearings at its regular meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, July 20, 2006, in the auditorium on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon: Application [PZ-2006-18] of Faith R. Lyman c/o Joseph P. Capossela, Esq., and Robert H. and Carol N. Bardin for a change of zone from Planned Development Zone (Gerber Farm Area) (PDZ-Gerber Farm) to Commercial (C) for 36.3 acres ± acres of land situated at 243 and 253 Talcottville Road (Assessor ID: Map #3, Block #4, Parcel #9, and Assessor ID: Map #3, Block #4, Parcel #9B) Application [PZ-2006-20] of Prayosha Subway LLC - Dipen Shah for a Special Permit for a non-full-service restaurant at 30 Lafayette Square (Hyde Avenue) (property of Boston Vernon LLC) (Assessor ID: Map #46, Block # 0071, Parcel #0019A) These PZC applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Gregory LaChance, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PUBLIC NOTICE The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) at its meeting on April 20th, 2006, Thursday, 7:30 PM in the auditorium on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon will hold the following public hearings: Application [PZ-2005-31] of Thomas Joyce, Town Planner, to amend Zoning Regulations to require approvals of both a Site Plan and a Special Permit for "message board" signs Application [PZ-2005-35] by Neil Pade, Assistant Planner, for amendment of the Zoning Regulations in regard to Area and Yard Requirements for Section 2 & 4 Application [PZ-2005-40] of Town of Vernon Economic Development Coordinator to amend Zoning Regulations related to Home Occupations in the Planned Residential Development (PRD) and Planned Development Zone (PDZ) zoning districts. The PZC Applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT Gregory LaChance, Chairperson Journal Inquirer Public Notice The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) at its meeting on January 19, 2006, Thursday, 7:30 PM in the auditorium on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon will hold the following public hearing: Application [PZ-2005-29] of Thomas Joyce, Town Planner, to amend Zoning Regulations Section 17.4 to eliminate special permit provisions related to "Housing for the Elderly" and renumber Definitions Section 2.35-2.43. This PZC Application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Gregory LaChance, Chairperson
Journal Inquirer Public Notice The Vernon Inland Wetlands Commission (IWC) on January 10, 2006, Tuesday, 7:30 PM, will open the following public hearing at its meeting in the auditorium on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon, CT, for the following IWC Application: Application [IW-2005-26] of Capstone Builders, Inc. for a wetlands permit and Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) Section 8-26 review for activities related to development of Laurel Woods eighteen (18) residential lots resubdivision at 110 Grier Road / northwest side of Bolton Branch Road & east side of Cubles Road (Assessor ID: Map #52, Block, #140, Parcel #42). This Application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Ralph Zahner, Chairperson Journal Inquirer Pubic Notice The Vernon Inland Wetlands Commission (IWC) on April 26, 2005, Tuesday, 7:30 PM, will open the following public hearings at its meeting in the auditorium room on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Race, Rockville / Vernon, CT, for the following IWC Applications: (1) Application [IWC-2005-06] of Susan & Mark St Germain for a CGS 8-26 subdivision review of two (2) proposed residential lots at 110 Grier Road (Assessor ID: Map #13, Block #155, Parcel #10) / Bolton Branch Road; (2) Application [IWC-2005-05] of Lucienne Pinto (dba, Capstone Builders, Inc.) for a wetlands permit for activities related to excavation of demonstration ditches and trench at Bolton Branch Road (Assessor ID: Map #52, Block #140, Parcel #42) /110 Grier Road. These Applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Ralph Zahner, Chairperson Journal Inquirer Public Notice The Vernon Inland Wetlands Commission (IWC) at its meeting on March 15, 2005, Tuesday, took the following actions: (1) Approved wetlands permit for activities related to development of forty-four (44) apartment units in seven (7) buildings at Water's Edge at Vernon Gardens, 695 Talcottville Road (Route 83) (Assessor's ID: Map#7, Block#2, Lot#4) per Application [IWC-2004-09] of Arthur Draznin (dba, Vernon Associates, LLC); (2) Approved wetlands redesignation at 606 Dart Hill Road (Assessor ID: Map #4, Block #4, Parcel #1) per Application [IWC-2004-15] of Ronald Gerber (dba, GFK, LLC); (3) Approved wetlands permit for activities related to residential development at 19 Indian Trail, Lot B (Assessor ID: Map #36, Block #137, Parcel #4A1) per Application [IWC-2004-17] of Paul B. Strycharz & Scott A. Tedeschi (dba, T & S Investors, LLC); (4) Approved wetlands permit related to development of eight (8) age-restricted, adults-only, elderly housing condominium units at 36-40 Tunnel Road (Assessor ID: Map #27, Block #17, Parcels #6 & 7A) & Whitney Ferguson Road per Application [IWC-2005-01] of Robert Kleinhans (dba, Vernon Tunnel, LLC). These IWC Applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Ralph Zahner, Chairperson
Journal Inquirer Legal Notice The Vernon Inland Wetlands Commission (IWC) on March 22, 2005, Tuesday, 7:30 PM, will open the following public hearings at its meeting in the meeting room on the first floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon, CT, for the following IWC Applications: (1) Application [IWC-2005-03] of Verna Builders & Developers, Inc for a wetlands permit for activities related to development of fifty-five (55) single-family, condominium units at 22-36-46-60-70-80 Keynote Drive (Assessor ID: Map #19, Block #16, Parcels #05-2,05-3,05-4,05-5, 05-7,05-8,05-R): IWC to determine if there is a significant activity and/or it will be in the public interest to hold a public hearing; (2) Application [IWC-2005-07] of Joseph Vallone (dba, Architecture & Development Studio, LLC) for a wetlands re-designation and permit for activities related to site remediation and development of Loom City Lofts as an adaptive reuse residential and office complex at Roosevelt Mills site, 215 East Main Street (Route 74) (Assessor ID: Map #45, Hock #123, Parcel #16. These Applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Ralph Zahner, Chairperson Journal Inquirer Legal Notice The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) at its meeting on January 6, 2005, Thursday, 7:30 PM in the auditorium on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon will hold the following public hearing: Application [PZ-2004-25] of Terry Saylor (Partner, Prospectus Architecture) for modification of site plan of development to add a second drive-up service window and traffic lane at CVS Pharmacy, 142 Talcottville Road (Route 83) [Assessor ID: Map #2, Block #12, Parcel #8) & Pitkin Street. This PZC Application is available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Alan Humphries, Chairperson December 24, 2004 December 29, 2004 LEGAL NOTICE The Vernon Inland Wetlands Commission (IWC) on November 23, 2004, Tuesday, 7:30 PM, will open the following public hearings at its meeting in the auditorium on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon, CT, for the following IWC Applications: (1) Application [IWC-2004-09] by Arthur Draznin (dba,
Vernon Associates, LLC) for wetlands permit for develop
ment of forty-four (44) apartment units in seven (7) buildings
at Water's Edge at Vernon Gardens, 695 Talcottville Road
(Route 83) [Assessor ID: Map #7, block #2, Lot #4]; Journal Inquirer TOWN OF VERNON NOVEMBER 2, 2004 STATE ELECTION The Electors of the Town of Vernon are hereby warned to meet at their respective polling places in said town on Tuesday, November 2, 2004, for the following purposes: I. To cast their votes for Presidential and Vice-Presidential electors, United States Senator, Representative in Congress, State Senator, State Representative and Registrar of Voters. II. To vote on the following seven (7) ordinances:
Voters approving an ordinance will vote "Yes" and those opposing an ordinance will vote "No". The full text of such proposed ordinances with explanatory text, printed in accordance with Sec. 9-369b of the General Statutes, is available at the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection. The vote on the proposed ordinances is taken pursuant to Chapter XII, Section 12 of the Town Charter. Notice is hereby given that the location of the polling places is as
Absentee Ballots will be counted at the following central location: Voting machines will be used. The polls will be opened at six o'clock in the morning (6:00 a.m.) and will remain open until eight o'clock in the evening (8:00 p.m.). Absentee ballots will be available as provided by law in the Office of the Town Clerk, 14 Park Place, Vernon, Connecticut, Monday - Wednesday, 8:30 am. to 4:30 p.m., Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dated at Vernon, Connecticut, this 14th day of October 2004. Bernice K. Dixon CCTC October 22, 2004 Legal Notice The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission
(PZC) at its meeting on November 4, 2004, Thursday, 7:30 PM in the auditorium
on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville
/ Vernon will hold the following public hearings: Alan Humphries, Chairperson October 23, 2004 October 28, 2004 Legal Notice The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) at its meeting on October 7, 2004, Thursday, 7:30 PM in the auditorium on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Race, Rockville / Vernon will hold the following public hearings: Alan Humphries, Chairperson Journal Inquirer PLANNING SERVICES Vernon, Connecticut is a community of approximately 29,000 citizens located ten (10) miles northeast of Hartford. Vernon is 18.2 square miles in size and has a substantial residential and commercial base. Located within the Town is the Rockville Section of Vernon which is characterized by thirteen industrial mill sites, two of which are still operating, and three of which are vacant, blighted, and environmentally contaminated. The Rockville section of Vernon is characterized also by older single-family and multi-family housing. The Town of Vernon is requesting statements of qualifications from planning consultants and land use planners to provide consulting services to the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) in regard to evaluating and drafting zoning regulations in regard to: (1) Amending regulations for an existing Planned Mix Use Development (PMUD) zoning district; (2) Drafting design criteria or ratio-based regulations for setback, landscape buffers, open space requirements, and density as alternatives to fixed-distance setback yard requirements; (3) Drafting regulations for a floating zoning district providing cluster development options and open space preservation incentives for the conservation of natural resources and preservation of ecologically sensitive areas; (4) Drafting regulations for a river protection overlay district; and (5) Amending regulations for aquifer protection. Consultants must have demonstrated experience in regard to the drafting such zoning regulations. Services will consist of conferring with the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) and conducting workshops for providing public education and receiving public comment in conjunction with drafting new Zoning Regulations. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ), Scope of Services, and planning information related the Town of Vernon, Town Master Plan of Conservation & Development, and Zoning Regulations may be obtained as digital files on a compact disc (CD) for a nonrefundable fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) by contacting the Planning Department, Town of Vernon, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT 06066-3291; telephone (860) 870-3667; or e-mail to planning@ci.vernon.ct.us. Questions about this RFQ may be addressed to Thomas Joyce, Town Planner at (860) 870-3667. A statement of qualifications describing the consulting firm, its experience in regard to these planning tasks with examples of such projects, special expertise and strengths, and a fee schedule should be submitted by 11:00 AM, Wednesday, October 20, 2004 to: Office of the Town Administrator, Town of Vernon, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT 06066-3291. The Town of Vernon is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer. Laurence Shaffer Journal Inquirer Legal Notice The Vernon Inland Wetlands Commission (IWC) on September 28, 2004, Tuesday, 7:30 PM, will open the following public hearings at its meeting in the auditorium on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon, CT, for the following IWC Applications: (1) Application [IWC-2004-04] by The Mansions II, LLC for a wetlands for development of two hundred seventy (270) apartment units in thirty (30) buildings at 95 Hockanum Boulevard [Assessor ID: Map #3, Block #4, Lot #9B]; (2) Application [IWC-2004-07] by the Town of Vernon for a wetlands permit demolition of structures, site reme4diation, and grading at Roosevelt Mills, 215 East Main Street (Route 74) [Assessor ID: Map #45, Block #123, Lot #16]. These Applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Ralph Zahner, Chairperson Journal Inquirer Legal Notice The Vernon Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) at its meeting on September 23, 2004, Thursday, 7:30 PM in the auditorium on the second floor of the Senior Citizens Center, 26 Park Place, Rockville / Vernon will hold the following public hearings: (1) Application [PZ-2004-16] of Greg Patchen (dba, J.P. Mac Development LLC & Gottier Development Group) for approvals of a change of zoning district boundaries, subdivision, site plan, and special permits for creation of a retail parcel at 206 Talcottville Road (Route 83) [Assessor ID: Map #10, Block #15R, Parcel #37] and development of seven (7) units of age-restricted adults-only condominium units and 5-13-21 Gottier Drive [Assessor ID: Map #10, Block #15R, Parcels #42, 43,44] (2) Application [PZ-2004-17] of Duane Jones (dba, Jones & Son Builders, LLC) for special permit for creation of a rear lot related to construction of two (2) single-family residences at 244 & 246 South Street [Assessor ID: Map 324, Block #62F, Parcel #100A] These PZC Applications are available for inspection by the public in the office of the Planning Department, Vernon Town Hall, 14 Park Place, Rockville, CT. Alan Humphries, Chairperson Journal Inquirer |